Country:Why do you upload the same mission twice in 2 different categories? that's a really bitch move just to get more views and downloads
@Kingoo74122 Thanks for your kind words , part 3 would probably never happened since i already graduated from the school, but for my a drunk, paranoid, cannon would probably get a part 3 since i'm thinking about finishing it
@DEPOPULATION_CORONA are you retarded or something? it's a quote you dumb faggot, why here when you dont even understand the meaning or never have watched lords of the lockerroom
Ok so i replaced the Dukes car with the Razor, i spawned it with a trainer it works fine, but it seems that it rarely spawns on the street, in bohan dukes is usually everywhere, but it's almost unlikely they will spawn unless you drive one, is this some kind of memory problem or something? cause seemingly this doesnt just happen to the Razor, it happens to some of your other cars too, i really want these modded cars to frequently spawn on the street, i installed simpletrafficloader and traffic flow, but still they rarely spawn
Hey buddy i think you got the wrong door, the leather's shop 2 blocks down